Hays County Grossly Misinformed on Water Facts

Judge Bert Cobb of Hays County, in his haste to “reserve water in the name of Hays County” [and the so-called “Hays Region”] has failed to do his homework regarding water facts.  He, along with Commissioner Ray Whisenant, have grossly misinformed the residents of Hays and surrounding counties.  I’d like to set the record straight on a few of their more draconian statements.

Forestar’s request denied, setting stage for litigation

Forestar’s Request for Rehearing was “essentially denied” by Lost Pines Board of Directors.  

THANK YOU BOARD for STANDING STRONG! We will have your back.  

In a bitter-sweet victory, and to a standing ovation of local landowners and citizens, the Lost Pines Board of Directors “essentially denied” Forestar’s request for a rehearing of their application for 45,000 acre-feet of groundwater per year when the motion failed to get a second and no action was taken to grant or deny the request.  “This [request] has essentially been denied,” said President Mike Talbot.   …